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    Plenary Sessions & Abstracts

RT9 Overview
Programme Overview
Preparatory Clusters
Plenary Sessions & Abstracts
Welcome Reception
RT9 Participants List

21 NOVEMBER 2011 : 2PM - 6PM
22 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 6PM
23 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 5PM

22 NOVEMBER 2011 : 4PM - 8PM
23 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 6PM
24 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 11AM

24 NOVEMBER 2011 : 1PM - 3PM

Kindly click on the respective topic titles to view the abstracts.


2:00pm - 3:00pm Official Opening Ceremony

M R Chandran, Advisor RSPO

Welcome Address
Jan Kees Vis, President RSPO

Official Address
Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok
Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia

Presentation of RSPO Certificates
3:00pm - 4:00pm Keynote Address
Jonathon Porritt, Co-Founder of Forum for the Future
4.30pm - 5.40pm Plenary Session 1: Revolutionising the Market
Chairperson: Jan Kees Vis, President RSPO

The Voyage: Where We Began; Where We Are Now; Where We Aim to Be in the Future (10 Minutes)
Jan Kees Vis, President RSPO & Global Director Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever

Leading the Dialogue Around the World; Global Communications Outreach: Including India (10 Minutes)
Vivian Lines, Global Vice Chairman & Worldwide Head of Client Service, Hill & Knowlton

Spearheading Development & Promotion of Sustainable Palm Oil in China (12 Minutes)
Teoh Cheng Hai, Independent Consultant

The Dutch Commitment: Transforming the Market to 100 % Sustainable Palm Oil (12 Minutes)
Wim Oosterhuis, Chairman, Product Board for Margarine Fats & Oils (MVO)

Green Investments: Sustainability Criteria & Trends (15 Minutes)
Mark Coniston Mills, Partner, General Investment Management LLP

WWF’s Palm Oil Buyers’ Scorecard 2011: Market Transformation Through Transparency (11 Minutes)
Adam Harrison, Vice President RSPO & Senior Policy Officer for Food & Agriculture, World Wildlife Fund Scotland
5.40pm - 6.00pm Question & Answer Session


9.00am - 10.10am Plenary Session 2: New Frontiers Blazing the Trail
Chairperson: Paul Norton, RSPO Executive Board

Strategic Innovation & Transformation Towards CSPO: Latin America
(14 Minutes)
Felipe Guerrero, Director of Sustainability, Daabon Organic CI Tequendama S.A.
Marcello Brito, Commercial & Sustainability Director, Agropalma S.A.

Africa: An Overview of the Environmental & Social Dimensions (14 Minutes)
Vasanth Subramaniam, Senior Vice President & Head of Palm Business, Olam International Limited

Strategic Innovation & Transformation Towards CSPO: Papua New Guinea (14 Minutes)
Dr Petra Meekers, Group Sustainability Manager, New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL)

Strategic Innovation & Transformation Towards CSPO: Thailand (14 Minutes)
Sanin Triyanond, Director, Patum Vegetable Oil Co Ltd

The Role of the Financial Sector in Promoting CSPO (14 Minutes)
Thomas Ursem, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Rabobank International

10.10 - 10.30am Question & Answer Session
11.00am - 12.05pm Plenary Session 3: Trade & Traceability Contributing to Market Transformation
Chairperson: Hidde van Kersen, RSPO Executive Board

Overview: An Update on the Supply Chain Models & Current Reviews
(15 Minutes)
Salahudin Yaacob, Technical Director, RSPO Secretariat

Palm Derivatives in the Home and Personal Care Value Chain
(15 Minutes)
Harald Sauthoff, Vice President, BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH

A Retailers & Consumers Perspective on Traceability (15 Minutes)
Christine Zwahlen, Deputy Head of Standards and Social Compliance
Federation of Migros Cooperatives

2015 and Beyond: Future Trends in the Trade of CSPO (20 Minutes)
Neil la Croix, RSPO Executive Board & Director of Sustainable Supply Chains, Kraft Foods
12.05pm - 12.30pm Question & Answer Session
1.30pm - 2.40pm Plenary Session 4: Standards & Certification - Now & into the Future
Chairperson: Adam Harrison, Vice President RSPO

Overview - Where We Were, What We Have Done & Where We Are Heading (11 Minutes)
Adam Harrison, Vice President RSPO & Senior Policy Officer for Food & Agriculture, World Wildlife Fund Scotland

An Introduction to the P&C Review Process and How Members Can Participate (11 Minutes)
Salahudin Yaacob, Technical Director, RSPO Secretariat

Announcing the Changes to the New Planting Procedure (11 Minutes)
Salahudin Yaacob, Technical Director, RSPO Secretariat
Dr Gan Lian Tiong, Head of Sustainability, PT Musim Mas Group

High Conservation Value Compensation (11 Minutes)
YBhg Dato' Mikaail Kavanagh, Consultant, ERE Consulting Group Sdn Bhd
Olivier Tichit, General Manager, PT Tolan Tiga (SIPEF)

Making HCV Work (11 Minutes)
Dr Gary Paoli, Co-Founder & Director of Business & Research Development, Daemeter Consulting
Dr Marcus Colchester, Director, Forest Peoples Programme

National Interpretations in New Frontier Regions (11 Minutes)
Gert Vandersmissen, Vice President RSPO & Group Director of Operations, SIAT Group
2.40pm - 3.00pm Question & Answer Session
3.00pm - 4.10pm Plenary Session 5: Process. Transperancy. Trends. Transformation.
Chairperson: Johan Verburg, RSPO Executive Board

RSPO Dispute Settlement Facility in Relation to Grievances Procedure and RSPO’s Certification System (15 Minutes)
David Gould, Consultant, USA
Paul Wolvekamp, Deputy Director, Both ENDS
Julia Majail, Task Force on Smallholders and Dispute Settlement Facility Manager, RSPO Secretariat

Nestlé and TFT: Working Towards Traceable and Sustainable Palm Oil Through Innovation and Leadership (14 Minutes)
Christoph Tamandl, Head of Responsible Sourcing, Nestlé S.A.
Bastien Sachet, Director, The Forest Trust (TFT)

Pioneering the Art of Collaboration between NGO & the Private Sector (12 Minutes)
Sandra Seeboldt, Policy Advisor Private Sector, Oxfam Novib

Realities of RSPO Implementation: A Preliminary Consideration on Workers & Communities (12 Minutes)
Toh Su Mei, Associate Advisor, Wild Asia Malaysia

4.10pm - 4.30pm Question & Answer Session
5.00pm - 6.10pm Plenary Session 6: The Significance of Greenhouse Gas
Chairperson: Timothy J Killeen, RSPO Executive Board

Overview of the Greenhouse Gas Working Group 2 (5 Minutes)
Dr Ruth Nussbaum, Director & Co-Founder, Proforest

Outputs: Palm GHG Tool (15 Minutes)
Laurence Chase, Independent Consultant

CO2 Emission from Land Use Changes for Oil Palm Development
(20 Minutes)
Dr Fahmuddin Agus, Senior Researcher, Indonesian Soil Research Institute

Actions & Initiatives: Methane Capture (5 Minutes)
Joshua Lim, Assistant Manager- Project, Wilmar International Ltd

Sustainable Palm Oil: Challenges & Solutions (5 Minutes)
Peter Heng, Managing Director of Communications & Sustainability, Golden Agri Resources

Actions & Initiatives: Smallholders/SHARP (5 Minutes)
Puvan J Selvanathan, Vice President RSPO & Chief Sustainability Officer
Sime Darby Group

Actions & Initiatives: Peat BMP (5 Minutes)
Faizal Parish, Global Environment Centre & Co-Chair Peatland Working Group

Greenhouse Gas Working Group 2 Recommendations (10 Minutes)
Jeremy Goon, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Group Head of CSR, Wilmar International Ltd

6.10pm - 6.30pm Question & Answer Session


9.00am - 10.10am Plenary Session 7: Inspiring & Guiding Smallholders
Chairperson: Dr Simon Lord, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board

Catalyst for Change: Challenges & Solutions (10 Minutes)
Dr Simon Lord, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Group Director for Sustainability, New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL)

The Value of RSPO for a State-Owned Company 
(10 Minutes)
Ir H Amri Siregar, President Director, PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (PTPN3)
Dr Ir Chairul Muluk, Director of Planning & Bussiness Development, PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (PTPN3)

RSPO Smallholders Task Force (10 Minutes)
Norman Jiwan, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Head of Department for Social and Environmental Risks Mitigation Initiatives, Sawit Watch

Working Together Towards Industry Leading Results: Indonesia (10 Minutes)
John Hartmann, Chief Operating Officer, Cargill Tropical Palm Holdings Pte Ltd

Indonesian Smallholders Working Group Activities Towards Group Certification of Palm Oil Smallholders in Indonesia 
(10 Minutes)
Dr Asril Darussamin, Indonesia Smallholder Affairs Technical Manager, RSPO Secretariat

Smallholders in Malaysia (10 Minutes)
Mohd Nor Kailany, RSPO Executive Board & Timbalan Pengarah Besar, Felda

Successful Certification of Independent Smallholders - Lessons Learnt in Thailand (10 Minutes)
Daniel May, Project Director - Sustainable Palm Oil Production in Thailand, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Palm Oil Producer Support Initiative: A Progress Report (10 Minutes)
Jan Maarten Dros, International Palm Oil Programme Coordinator, Solidaridad Network
Rosemary Addico, Solidaridad Network
10.10am - 10.30am Question & Answer Session
11.00am - 12.10pm Plenary Session 8: Insights Within the Sphere
Chairperson: Puvan J Selvanathan, Vice President RSPO

Other MultiStakeholder Initiatives (10 Minutes)
Dr Ruth Nussbaum, Director & Co-Founder ProForest

RSPO in the Current Landscape (10 Minutes)
Darrel Webber, Secretary General RSPO

The EU and Palm Oil: What's Going On? (15 Minutes)
Nina Cinkole on behalf of HE Vincent Piket, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia

On the Threshold of Meaningful Transformation 
(10 Minutes)
Beth Gingold, POTICO Project Leader, World Resources Institute

REDD+ and Roundtables: Shared Opportunities and Constraints 
(15 Minutes)
Andreanne Grimard, Senior Programme Officer, The Prince's Charities' International Sustainability Unit

Macro Economic Value of Roundtables 
(10 Minutes)
Rob Evans, Technical Advisor Sustainability & Climate Change, PwC Indonesia
  Question & Answer Session


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2024-07-27 16:30:23