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Keynote Speaker
Jonathon Porritt
Co-Founder Director of Forum for the Future

Jonathon Porritt, Co-Founder of Forum for the Future, is an eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development.  Established in 1996, Forum for the Future is now the UK’s leading sustainable development charity, with 70 staff and over 100 partner organisations, including some of the world’s leading companies.
In addition, he is Co-Director of The Prince of Wales's Business and Sustainability Programme which runs Seminars for senior executives around the world.  He is a Non-Executive Director of Wessex Water, and of Willmott Dixon Holdings.  He is a Trustee of the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, and is involved in the work of many NGOs and charities as Patron, Chair or Special Adviser.
He was formerly Director of Friends of the Earth (1984-90); co-chair of the Green Party (1980-83) of which he is still a member; chairman of UNED-UK (1993-96); chairman of Sustainability South West, the South West Round Table for Sustainable Development (1999-2001); a Trustee of WWF UK (1991-2005), a member of the Board of the South West Regional Development Agency (1999-2008).
He stood down as Chairman of the UK Sustainable Development Commission in July 2009 after nine years providing high-level advice to Government Ministers.
His latest books are Capitalism As If The World Matters (Earthscan, revised 2007), Globalism & Regionalism (Black Dog 2008) and Living Within Our Means (Forum for the Future 2009).
Jonathon received a CBE in January 2000 for services to environmental protection.
RT9 Speakers
Bastien Sachet
Director, The forest Trust
Chris Brett
Senior Vice President Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Olam International

Chris Brett was appointed as the Senior Vice President Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CR&S) for Olam International in 2007. He has a Masters Degree in Management for Agricultural Development from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom. He has thirty years experience of working within the private, public and voluntary sectors in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Prior to working with Olam, He worked for 6 years in Central America as a Private Sector Development Advisor (1995-2001) for Department For International Development. From 2001 to 2007, he undertook a range of consultancies for a range of lead development organisations and the private sector, such as: the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, African Development Bank, European Union, United Nations Development Programme, commercial banks and infrastructural development companies. Chris has developed Olam’s CR&S policies and practices and leads them globally across Olam’s 20 product supply chains and ensures they are fully integrated into the company’s business product models.
Darrel Webber
Secretary General, RSPO 
Darrel Webber joined the RSPO as Secretary General in January 2011. He came from a position as Senior Associate of Global Sustainability Associates, a role in which he advised companies and organisations on sustainable agricultural development (including oil palm). Prior to that, he was Senior Manager Palm Oil Sector Engagement at WWF-International and regional manager for companies such as Permanis Sandilands Sdn. Bhd. and Shell Malaysia Ltd.
From 2007 until 2009, Mr Webber represented WWF-International in the RSPO's Executive Board.
Desi Kusumadewi
Director, RSPO Indonesia  
Desi Kusumadewi joined the RSPO Indonesia Liaison Officer since December 2006, and was appointed Indonesia Director in November 2010. Prior to her work with the RSPO, she spent 6 years working for Lyman Agro – an oil palm plantation company, where she started her role in various positions at its regional office and estates in West Kalimantan before held position as Secretary to Marketing Manager at its head office in Jakarta. She received her degree in Agricultural Social Economics from Bogor Agricultural University in 1997. Her passion for the palm oil world has led her to taking the Master in Environmental and Energy Management study at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. Her thesis on the assessment of negotiated agreement as additional policy instrument to promote GHG emissions reduction as part of the sustainability criteria, was dedicated to the Indonesian palm oil industry.
Dwi Rahmad Muhtaman
Founder and President Director, Aksenta Socio-Enviro Management Consulting

Dwi is the founder and President Director of Aksenta Socio-Enviro Management Consulting-a consulting firm that works in sustainable development issues.  Dwi is an expert in social management and a sustainability strategist. Dwi is also a consultant agribusiness in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for sustainable cocoa, coffee and palm oil.  He also founder and Executive Director of Signature (Sustainable Indonesia Group for Nature) Foundation—a not-for-profit organization dedicated to involve in a variety of natural based certification schemes.
For more than 15 years actively engaged in the field of natural resources management, particularly forestry and agricultural commodities; He has been auditor of forest certification and the chain of custody of forest products industry. 
In the last five years Dwi works in the palm oil sustainability assessment applying RSPO standard and others.  Dwi also conducts identification of high conservation values (HCV) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA), facilitates development of management plans. He has worked with more than 25 oil palm plantation companies and conducted an audit RSPO in Johor, Sabah, Sarawak (Malaysia) and Indonesia.  He also was a verifier of the Café Practices verification program (Indonesia and PNG). 
In 2003 he becomes social experts to formulate HCVF Toolkit Indonesia and working in identifying HCVF forest concessions and palm oil plantations.  In 2010-2011 he facilitated the establishment of Jaringan NKT Indonesia (high conservation value/HCV network Indonesia).  The network is a membership organization design for HCV stakeholders and it is a multistakeholder organization.    Dwi was appointed as a Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Network in April 2011.  Member of Biodiversity and High Conservation Value Working Group (BHCV WG) of RSPO, 2011, Expert Panel member of HCV Resource Network, Oxford, UK, 2008-on going.  
Dwi graduated as a Masters in Public Administration from Auburn University, Alabama, USA and received his Bachelor from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) with specialization Social Economics, Faculty of Animal Husbandry.  Dwi writes hundreds of poets and more.
Dr Gan Lian Tiong
Head of Sustainability, PT Musim Mas Group 

Involvement With RSPO: Since its inception in 2004.
Member of RSPO Criteria Working Group (development of P&C): [2004/2005]
Member of RSPO Verification Working Group: [2004/2005]
Member of RSPO Criteria Working Group (finalized P&C): [2007]
Member of RSPO Biodiversity HCV WG: [2009 – Present]
Member of RSPO GHG Working Group 2: [2009 – Present]

Job Experiences: Involved with the palm oil industry since 1975 (36 years).
Sime Darby Plantations from 1975 - 2004 (29 years):
Planter (1975-1978), 
R & D (1978-1997), Head of R&D [1995-1997],
Head of Business Development (1997-2001), 
Head of Special Project (Life Cycle Assessment & Food Safety) (2001-2004)

Kuala Lumpur Kepong from 2004 – 2007 (2½ years) :
General Manager, Plantation Project (RSPO)

PT Musim Mas from 2007 to present. 
Musim Mas Group Head of Sustainability
Certified 6 out of 7 Musim Mas Group plantations (to-date) under RSPO P&C Certification.
Certified 5 smallholder schemes as supply base (100% scheme smallholders certified).
Certified 10 conversion units (refineries, KCP) under RSPO Supply Chain Certification System.
Completed 3 new plantations for Public Notification under RSPO New Planting Procedure.
Certified 5 palm oil mills, 10 conversion units & last interface and 3 traders under EU-Germany  
International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC).
Musim Mas working committee on Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) Certification.
Musim Mas working committee on methane-capture projects.
John Hartmann
Chief Operating Officer, Cargill Tropical Palm Holdings Pte Ltd

As the Chief Operating Officer of Cargill Tropical Palm Holdings Pte Ltd (“CTP”), John Hartmann is responsible for the daily operation of the company. CTP owns and operates 70,000 hectares of palm plantations located in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan, Indonesia. CTP employs 8750 employees and works with close to 10,000 farmers in the production of Crude Palm Oil.
John’s 24-year career with Cargill began in 1987 when he started as a plant manager trainee with Cargill Animal Nutrition. For the next eight years, John held various management positions in USA and Poland. In 1995, he assumed the role of Animal Nutrition Division project manager for all new global constructions and was also production manager for a portfolio of facilities in USA, Indonesia and Vietnam. John made his foray into the oil palm business in 1998 as general manager of Cargill’s Hindoli plantation before being promoted into his current role in 2005.

John graduated from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.

He grew up on a family farm in South Dakota and now lives in Singapore with his wife and three children.
Dr Marcus Colchester
Director, Forest Peoples Programme

Marcus Colchester received his doctorate in anthropology at University of Oxford on the ‘Economy, Ecology and Ethnobiology of the Sanema Indians of South Venezuela’ in 1982. He then worked as a consultant in Venezuela studying the impact of development projects on Indians and as a regional coordinator of the national Indigenous Census. As Projects Director of Survival International his work focused on the human rights impacts of imposed development schemes especially in Amazonia and South and South East Asia. He sat on the International Labour Organization’s expert committee on the revision of Convention 107. He is a founder member of the World Rainforest Movement, an international network of activists concerned about rainforest destruction and social justice. In 1990, he set up the Forest Peoples Programme which has developed into a well-known NGO active in the field of indigenous rights and forests. He is currently Director of the programme. His advocacy work has focused on standard setting and compliance on indigenous rights by United Nations agencies and multilateral and bilateral aid agencies and the private sector. He has also strongly advocated reforms in conservation policies to respect indigenous peoples’ rights. In 1994 he was awarded a Pew Conservation Fellowship in recognition of his work in this field. His work has focused on land rights, indigenous peoples, forest policy reform and community-based natural resource management. He has acted as a consultant for the International Commission on International Humanitarian Issues, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development, the World Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank, the World Commission on Dams, the Extractive Industries Review, the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, the Centre for International Forestry Research, the WorldWide Fund for Nature, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Indonesian Environment Forum (WALHI), The Nature Conservancy and the Biodiversity Support Programme. He is a Director of Down to Earth - the Campaign for Ecological Justice in Indonesia, a member of SawitWatch, co-chair of the High Conservation Value Resource Network, on the Steering Committee of The Forests Dialogue and a Fellow of the Samdhana Institute. He has published extensively in academic and NGO journals and is the author and editor of numerous books including ‘The Struggle for Land and the Fate of the Forests’ (1993) with Larry Lohmann and ‘Guyana: Fragile Frontier - Loggers, Miners and Forest Peoples’ (1997), Salvaging Nature: Indigenous Peoples, Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation (1994 and 2003 second ed.) and co-author of three recent books on the impacts of oil palm development in South East Asia. In 2001, he was awarded the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Lucy Mair Medal for Applied Anthropology. He is married with two children and lives in the Cotswolds in England.
Mark Coniston Mills
Partner, General Investment Management LLP

Mark is a founding member of the Sustainable Palm Oil Investor Working Group, formed by members of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, the signatories to which collectively manage assets of close to US$ 30 trillion. 
Mark is also a Partner with Generation Investment Management and is responsible for developing and managing Generation's business relationships in Europe, Australia and Asia. Prior to joining Generation, Mark and a colleague formed their own business to work in partnership with Zurich-based Sustainable Asset Management ("SAM") to establish two sustainable investment funds. Prior to SAM, he served as Head of Sales and Marketing for County Investment Management, formerly a subsidiary of Australia's largest bank, National Australia Bank. Previously, Mark was responsible for all aspects of sales and marketing for CS First Boston's investment management operation in Australia, where he was a founding director. Before commencing his career in investment as a bond research analyst at CS First Boston Australia, Mark had worked for 8 years in software engineering including for NEC and Logica.
Mark has a B.Sc., majoring in Computer Science, from the University of Melbourne. He was the recipient of a post graduate research scholarship from the Japanese Government which he undertook at Yokohama National University and retains a degree of fluency in Japanese.
Peter Heng
Managing Director of Communications and Sustainability, Golden Agri-Resources (“GAR”) 

Peter Heng, 54, was appointed Managing Director of Communications and Sustainability of GAR in February 2010. His role is to plan and implement corporate communications strategies and sustainability policies for GAR and its subsidiaries. He is responsible for enhancing the corporate reputation of GAR in Asia Pacific.

Previously, Peter was the Director Corporate Communications at SingTel. He also worked for United Overseas Bank and his last position was Head of Corporate Affairs, covering media relations, crisis and issues management, investor relations, brand management and marketing communications.

Peter graduated with an Honours Degree in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore.

He is married and has a daughter.
Peter Lim Kim Huan
General Manager (R&D), PT TH Indo Plantations

Peter Lim Kim Huan graduated from the State University of Ghent, Belgium with a Doctorate in Agricultural Science. His area of specialization is in Soil Chemistry and Soil Physics. He is presently the General Manager (R&D) of PT.TH Indo Plantations, Riau, Indonesia, a subsidiary of Lembaga Tabung Haji, Malaysia. 
Prior to this, he was the Research Controller of Tradewinds Plantations Berhad, doing research and advisory for their peat plantations in Sarawak. He has more than 12 years experience on agronomic advisory and applied research relating to sustainable cultivation of oil palm on tropical peat soils in Riau and Sarawak.
Todate he has published about 110 papers on various aspects of oil palm agronomy, utilization of palm oil mill effluent and cultivation of oil palm on peat.  
He is the Second Editor of the Book on “Oil Palm and the Environment: A Malaysian Perspective” published by Malaysian Oil Palm Growers Council in 1999.
He is also the Second Editor of the Book on “Sustainable Palm Oil Production: A Malaysian Perspective” published by Malaysian Palm Oil Association in 2009.
Dr Petra Meekers 
Group Sustainability Manager of NBPOL and Senior Associate, Global Sustainability Associates

Petra Meekers has a background in biochemistry and has international experience in quality management consultancy including environmental and social impact assessments.
Being in Asia since 1998, she has been involved in the implementation of environmental systems and social frameworks for a diverse range of companies in Asia. Building bridges between clients and stakeholders, especially in relation to key environmental challenges across different cultural contexts. Providing tools to solve problems and create opportunities in relation to global supply chains having an understanding on the ground implications. She focused on food, energy and agricultural sectors.
In her current position she works for NBPOL Services Pte Ltd in Singapore as the Group Sustainability Manager of NBPOL and Senior Associate in Global Sustainability Associates. As the Group Sustainability Manager she is involved with managing the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy for the business. Her role includes developing group sustainability policy and strategy, working with the businesses and their key customers to identify opportunities for enhancing proposition around sustainability in the world commodity sectors, providing leadership in relation to the impact of the company’s activities on society and advising the NBPOL CR Strategy Group on sustainability issues which is chaired by Dr. Simon Lord, Group Director Sustainability. Petra reports to Dr. Simon Lord, Group Director Sustainability NBPOL and Petra contributes in advising the Broad, Executive Team and NBPOL’s foundation on environmental and corporate responsibility matters. 
Prior to joining NBPOL, Petra worked as the Sustainability Manager Asia for a Dutch renewable energy company. In this role she was involved with the verification of the production of the sustainable biomass, working with the EU and country specific regulations policy regarding CO2 reductions and sustainability criteria, contributing to initiatives of the development towards sustainable indicators for agricultural and biofuel sector and projects focusing on climate change.
Dr Petrus Gunarso
Programme Director, Tropenbos International Indonesia Programme
Petrus Gunarso received his PHD award from School of Natural and Rural System Management, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia in 2004. His Ph.D dissertation entitled: Nature Conservation in Indonesia in the 21st Century: Can Decentralisation Work? He hold Master of Science on Fisheries and Wildlife, from Michigan State University, East Lansing USA in 1988 and he obtained his Bachelor Degree of Forestry from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 1982.
Since November 2007 – to date, Petrus Gunarso is the Programme Director of Tropenbos International Indonesia Programme. Tropenbos Indonesia is a Dutch Foundation promoting sustainable development through its vision to make knowledge work for forests and people. He is the member of RSPO Scientific Panel (Works Stream 3), June 2010 - Dec 2011. He was the Secretariat Coordinator of Asia Forest Partnership from January 2006 – November 2007. In August 2005 – December 2006, he participated in the development of IUCN Guideline on Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Production Forest and testing the implementation of the guideline for Indonesia. He was assigned as, Malinau Research Forest Coordinator of CIFOR from 2002 – 2005.
Dr Rosediana Suharto
Chairperson, Indonesian Palm Oil Commission

Dr. Rosediana Suharto is the chairperson in charge of the Indonesian Palm Oil Commission since it was established by the Minister of Agriculture in March 2003. She is a doctorate from the University of Aston, and Master of Science fro the Macquarie University, Sydney – all in the field of Chemistry. As a season diplomat by experience she is been a government for more than 36 years holding such a positions as advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry and the Head of the Research of Development Agency of Ministry and many position as director. She currently still advises the Ministry of Agriculture, especially the Director General of the Marketing and Processing of Agricultural Products, and Director General of Estate Crops and represents the ministry in international events. She also has experience in production and marketing of agriculture products (rubber, cocoa, coffee, cashew nut etc), she was engaged with Word Bank and ADB as consultant. 
Salahudin Yaacob
Technical Director, RSPO
Salahudin Yaacob has joined the RSPO Secretariat as its Technical Director from mid April 2011. As a Technical Director, his key responsibility is in the area of RSPO certification schemes for both the Principles &Criteria as well as the supply chain.
Prior to joining RSPO, Salahudin was managing natural resources certification programmes at the world's most established certification body, SGS, based in Kuala Lumpur. Trained as a botanist and later in environment and natural resource management, he has been involved with certification since early 1990s when he was part of the WWF working group instrumental for setting up FSC. Later, he was attached to a risk management company managing and conducting environmental risk assessments and monitoring work for various development projects in Malaysia. He is a qualified auditor under a number of certification schemes such as ISO, FSC, PEFC, MTCC and RSPO primarily covering the South East Asia region as well as India, China, Africa and Latin America.
Simon Armstrong
Lead Assessor, Accreditation Services International (ASI)

Simon Armstrong has now worked in accreditation for over ten years and comes from a professional background in the wider forestry sector. He is currently a lead assessor with Accreditation Services International (ASI), working on both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the RSPO programmes. 

Simon has also worked with Social Accountability Accreditation and provided inputs into the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels process. His career has seen him working around the world with accreditation bodies, financial institutions, forest management companies, government agencies, private investors, processors and specialized researchers.

Over the course of 2011 Simon has led on the RSPO phase-2 pilot with ASI, working towards fully independent accreditation of RSPO certification bodies. As part of this process Simon has witnessed three certification body audits on site in Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea  and has also conducted  audits at several certification body offices. He has also been involved in making recommendations on both new applicant certification bodies and on applications to extend the scope of existing certification bodies.”
Teoh Cheng Hai 
Independent Consultant

Teoh Cheng Hai is an independent consultant on Total Quality Environment Management, with particular focus on sustainability in oil palm. He is a Non-Executive Director of CSR Asia Malaysia and ProForest South East Asia.
He served as the 1st Secretary-General of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2004/05 and as Advisor to the RSPO Executive Board in 2005/06, Advisor to the RSPO Indonesia Liaison Office in 2006/07 and Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 5th Roundtable Meeting (RT5) on Sustainable Palm Oil in November 2007. He was a member of the Working Group on Dispute Settlement Facility. He has served as a facilitator to RSPO Working Groups such as the Taskforce on Smallholders (2008 & 2009), New Plantings Working Group (2009 & 2011) and the Executive Board Retreat on RSPO Governance (2011).
Trained as an agronomist; he has more than 40 years of experience in the plantation crops industry. Formerly, he was Director, R&D (1989-1995), and Director, Quality and Environment (1995-2000), for Golden Hope Plantations Berhad (now under Sime Darby Berhad). He was also Honorary Advisor, Plantation Agriculture for WWF-Malaysia (2001-2004).
From 2006 to 2011, he supported WWF China’s effort on promoting sustainable palm oil in China. During 2010/2011, he served as a consultant to the China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA) in a study on the development of a national policy for promotion of sustainable palm oil in China.
Thomas Ursem
Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Rabobank International

Mr. Thomas Ursem joined Rabobank in 2008 as head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Rabobank International. He and his team are responsible for strategy and objective setting within Rabobank International and for the translation of Rabobank Group policy into daily business. With a clear focus on the Food & Agribusiness Rabobank International wants to contribute to the transformation needed to feed the world in a sustainable way. Rabobank is active in different roundtable initiatives for commodities like the RSPO and wants to support clients in their efforts to make supply chains more sustainable. Together with a team of sustainability experts Thomas is responsible for the coordination of the CSR activities worldwide and realizing this ambition. Before Rabobank, Thomas worked as a sustainability advisor at Deloitte & Touche and KPMG Sustainability.
Toh Su Mei
Associate Advisor, Wild Asia Malaysia
Su Mei Toh is an associate advisor of Wild Asia. Su Mei is a biologist with a background in environment and development studies. Trained in Social Accountability International SA8000 social standards, her auditing experience focuses on social aspects of certification systems using the FSC and MTCC P&C for forestry, and the RSPO P&C for oil palm.
Specialising on the social and environmental aspects of development, she has also conducted research and assessments on land and resource tenure issues where it concerns local and indigenous communities in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. She has written an analysis of the impact of FSC certification on an affected indigenous community in Peninsula Malaysia (School of International Development, University of East Anglia, 2004); co-wrote a FAO case study on the effects forestry and land tenure on Sabah’s indigenous communities (FAO, 2007); and researched joint-venture and smallholder oil palm development on native customary land in Sabah and Sarawak (in prep, IIED, 2011) amongst others. She has conducted many social assessments for companies, development agencies, government departments and NGOs.
Su Mei has applied her experience to training, from the RSPO-endorsed Stepwise Support Training Series with Proforest to training workers and communities on issues and policies that affect them.


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