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About Kota Kinabalu
Guided Tours

Kota Kinabalu is situated on the tropical island of Borneo, and is the state capital of the Malaysian state Sabah, which is one of the two states of East Malaysia.  Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton, is strategically situated in the Northwest Coast of Borneo Island, facing the South China Sea and Tunku Abdul Rahman Park on one side, and set against the backdrop of Mount Kinabalu; this beautiful ‘Nature Resort City’ stretches for miles along the coast and towards the inland.

Mount Kinabalu

Affectionately known as KK or Api Api by the locals, Kota Kinabalu is a popular tourism getaway and a major gateway into Sabah and Borneo Island. Kota Kinabalu is a vibrant city on Sabah’s west coast and the gateway to eco-adventures like mountain climbing, white-water rafting, caving, diving and river cruising

Kota Kinabalu is not only an instant resort city but also the perfect place for business, congresses  and meetings. The business district is centrally located - with government, banks and commercial offices. And as a starting point for business in South-East Asia, this is a perfect place, there are direct flights to several main cities in this part of the world.



Kota Kinabalu is the main industrial and commercial centre for Sabah. Main business areas in Sabah have for many years been palm oil and agriculture. A third area is the fishing industry which is growing in importance as it is today a modern and progressive industry.

As one of the most tourist friendly destinations in the world, the next main industry in Kota Kinabalu and Sabah will be the leisure and tourism industry. This is also one of the reasons why the State is developing more and more areas into permanent parks and forest reserves.

The possibilities are endless for Kota Kinabalu and the rest of Sabah, with the right strategy the area will be a “first choice” for tourists from all over the world. The right Internet strategy will play a determining role in how to succeed


Industry Park & Trade Fairs

To make Kota Kinabalu the main growth centre in East Malaysia the 8,320-acre Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) in Sepanggar will be the centre to boost industrial and commercial activities of the city and East Malaysia. The city will also play an important role as a hub for the activities inside the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) region.

Kota Kinabalu also hosts numerable national, regional, and international trade fairs, conferences and events every year including the Asia Pacific Tourism Conference, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the biennial Sabah International Expo and many others. Most of these events are normally held at the Sutera Harbour resort.


Food and Drink

You will be fascinated of the variety of cuisine offered not only in hotels and  restaurants, but also by hawker’s stalls. Well, what can you expect when you have over 30 ethnic groups that present different flavours that tickle just about any brain chemical. In Kota Kinabalu you will get supreme taste adventures, with unusual names that will fascinate you, whatever you choose.
In Kota Kinabalu you will find first class chefs that serve award-winning meals at fine restaurants, giving you the pleasure of tasting international gastronomic marvels of all kinds. But you must also try the stalls in the night market; some of them will take you to eater’s heaven. Do not forget that Kota Kinabalu is a city by the sea, with a long fishing tradition, which means that the variety of fresh seafood dining is endless.


Malls and markets

Kota Kinabalu has of course major shopping malls as well as shopping areas that you find in many other Asian cities, most of them located at the main streets of the city.  The five major shopping malls in Kota Kinabalu are: Centrepoint, Karamunsing Complex, KK Plaza, Wawasan Plaza and. Wisma Merdeka.  Most of the malls are open from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. 

Markets like the urban Gaya Street Fair starts every Sunday at 8 a.m. You will find the fair in the lower end of Gaya Street; the stalls are till offer a collection of everything you want and do not want.

In most of the towns and villages around Kota Kinabalu there is a Tamu, also known as Sunday Flea Market, where you can find all kinds of stuff from orchids, fruits, vegetables, poultry, handicrafts, traditional music instrument and much more. 



There is so much to experience in and around Kota Kinabalu. There are also so many other fantastic places in Sabah you can explore with Kota Kinabalu as your base. Here, we present some "MUSTS", attractions that you should not miss when you visit Kota Kinabalu.  Nearby tourist attractions include Kinabalu National Park (mountain climbing/views), Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park, Garama River/Proboscis Monkey Wetland Tours. Other iconic tourist destinations in Sabah are Sipadan Island (diving), Danum Valley Rainforest(rainforest experience), Kinabatangan Wildlife Viewing (best wildlife viewing in South East Asia), Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre and many more.

Please visit http://www.sabahtourism.com/sabah-malaysian-borneo/en/activities/  to learn of even more things to do.


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2024-07-27 15:28:06