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    Preparatory Clusters

RT9 Overview
Programme Overview
Preparatory Clusters
Plenary Sessions & Abstracts
Welcome Reception
RT9 Participants List

21 NOVEMBER 2011 : 2PM - 6PM                                                     
22 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 6PM
23 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 5PM

22 NOVEMBER 2011 : 4PM - 8PM                                                     
23 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 6PM
24 NOVEMBER 2011 : 8AM - 11AM

 24 NOVEMBER 2011:         1PM - 3PM

9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 1: Communications & Claims (Meeting Room 2)
Chairperson: Jan Kees Vis,
President RSPO

The Role of the Communications & Claims Standing Committee
Jan Kees Vis,  
President RSPO & Global Director Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever

Leading the Global Dialogue
Vivian Lines, Global Vice Chairman & Worldwide Head of Client Service, Hill & Knowlton

Establishing Presence & Relevance in India
Bhavna Prasad, Director - Sustainable Business, World Wildlife Fund India

Establishing Presence & Relevance in China
Prof Jirong Sun, Senior Advisor for SR & Sustainability, World Wildlife Fund China and Senior CSR-Consultant, CIM Germany

A Business Perspective of CSPO in China
Dr Sun Weijun, Julong Group Office Director, Julong Group, China

The Role & Commitment from Retailers and Consumer Goods Manufacturers
Julian Walker-Palin, Head of Corporate Sustainability, ASDA WalMart Stores Inc

Website & Trademark; Question & Answer Session

Jan Kees Vis
President RSPO & Global Director Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever
9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 2: Standards & Certification (Ballroom 1)
Chairperson: Adam Harrison, Vice President RSPO

The Role of Standards & Certification Standing Committee & Key Priorities
Salahudin Yaacob, Technical Director, RSPO Secretariat

Assessment & Training of Auditors/Certification Bodies

Simon Armstrong, Lead Assessor, Accreditation Services International

Review of Principles & Criteria; Supply Chain for Smallholders; New Planting Procedure Review

Adam Harrison, Vice President RSPO & Senior Policy Officer For Food & Agriculture, World Wildlife Fund Scotland
Salahudin Yaacob, Technical Director, RSPO Secretariat
Olivier Tichit, General Manager, PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia (SIPEF)

Key Performance Indicators for Other Supply Chain Members

Bastien Sachet, Director, The Forest Trust (TFT)
Christoph Tamandl, Head of Responsible Sourcing, Nestlé S.A.
Caroline Sikking, Sustainability Manager, Cargill Incorporated

Joshua Levin, Senior Program Officer, World Wildlife Fund USA

New Frontiers Embracing RSPO Standards
Tulio Dias, Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility Manager, Agropalma S.A.
Francisco Naranjo, Environmental Director, National Association of Palm Growers of Ecuador (ANCUPA)

9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 3: Greenhouse Gas (Meeting Room 5)
Jeremy Goon, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board
Timothy J Killeen
, RSPO Executive Board

Land Use Change: Indonesia
Dr Petrus Gunarso, Programme Director, Tropenbos International Indonesia Programme

Land Use Change: Malaysia
Professor Emeritus Dr K T Joseph, Professor of Land Use Studies, University of Malaya

Land Use Change: Rest of World
Timothy J Killeen, RSPO Executive Board & Senior Research Scientist, Conservation International 

The Impact of Fire

Professor Bambang Hero Saharjo, Professor of Forest Protection, Bogor Agricultural University

Palm GHG Tool - Introduction & Technical Discussion
Laurence Chase, Independent Consultant

Peatland Working Group: Best Management Practices (BMP) for Cultivation of Oil Palm on Tropical Peat
Dr Peter Lim Kim Huan, General Manager (R&D), PT TH Indo Plantations

Peatland Working Group: Impacts & GHG Measurements

Dr Arina Schrier, Climate and Environment International Consultancy (CEIC)

Peatland Working Group: Restoration Discussion
Faizal Parish, Global Environment Centre & Co-Chair, Peatland Working Group
9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 4: Smallholders (Meeting Room 6)
Chairperson: Dr Simon Lord, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board

Challenges Facing Smallholders in Embracing Sustainability

Dr Simon Lord
, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Group Director for Sustainability, New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL)

Overcoming the Challenges with Constructive Solutions

Desi Kusumadewi, Indonesia Director, RSPO Secretariat

Support and Capacity Building Opportunities for Smallholders
Piers Gillespie, Commodity Supply Chain Manager, Asia Pacific Solidaridad Network
Ross Jaax, Operations Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Success Stories - Indonesia

John Hartmann, Chief Operating Officer, Cargill Tropical Palm Holdings Pte Ltd

Success Stories - Malaysia
Mohd Nor Kailany, RSPO Executive Board & Timbalan Pengarah Besar, Felda 

Rehabilitation and Reconciliation; Opportunities and Benefits for Smallholders
Dr Petra Meekers
, Group Sustainability Manager, New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL)

Creating Opportunities for Independent Smallholders

Yotsawin Kukeawkasem, Project Manager Sustainable Palm Oil Production in Thailand, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Promising Smallholder Rehabilitation Initiatives in Aceh and Liberia
Thomas Fricke, Founder, Sustainable Trade & Consulting Pte Ltd

Smallholders Task Force

Norman Jiwan, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Head of Department for Social and Environmental Risks Mitigation Initiatives, Sawit Watch

9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 5: Trade & Traceability (Meeting Room 4)
Chairperson: Hidde van Kersen, RSPO Executive Board

The Role of Trade & Traceability in the RSPO

Hidde van Kersen
, RSPO Executive Board & Sustainability Director, IOI Loders Croklaan
Paul Nellens, Manager Marketing Commodities, SIPEF

The SCCS Certification System and Certifying Bodies
Marieke Leegwater, Sustainability Manager, Product Board for Margarine, Fats and Oils (MVO)
David Ogg, Senior Lead Auditor, Control Union Certifications

Being Audited & Certified
Simon Roulston, Fats and Oils Manager, United Biscuits Group
Alasdair McGregor, Business & Technical Development Executive, BM TRADA Certification Ltd

Harald Sauthoff, Vice President, BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH
Sietse Buisman, Product Line Manager, Cargill Incorporated

Further Down the Supply Chain
Martin Craven, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board & Managing Director, Aarhus Karlshamn Ltd
Anna Bexell, Project Manager, IKEA Supply AG
Michelle Morton, Shell-Biofuels Sustainability Manager, Shell International

Trademark & Claims

Liz Crosbie, Founder and Managing Director, Strategic Environmental Consulting (SEC) &Technical Director, Forest Footprint Disclosure

9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 6: Biodiversity High Conservation Value (Meeting Room 3)
Chairperson: YBhg Dato' Henry S. Barlow, Chairperson, Biodiversity High Conservation Value Working Group

Issues Surrounding High Conservation Value
Sophie Persey, Project Manager, The Zoological Society of London

System for Compensation 

YBhg Dato' Mikaail Kavanagh, Consultant, ERE Consulting Group Sdn Bhd
Olivier Tichit, General Manager, PT Tolan Tiga (SIPEF)

Indonesian Moratorium Impact

Dr Rosediana Suharto, Chairperson, Indonesian Palm Oil Commission

Rest of the World

Gert Vandersmissen, Vice President RSPO & Group Director of Operations, SIAT Group

Technical Aspect of High Conservation Value Assessment

Dwi Rahmad Muhtaman, Founder & President Director, Aksenta Socio-Enviro Management Consulting, HCV Resource Network
Dr Marcus Colchester
, Director, Forest Peoples Programme

Results of Carbon Balance Measurements in Mature Oil Palm Plantations
Dr Thomas Fairhurst, Director, Tropical Crop Consultants Ltd (representing PT Hindoli)

9.00am - 12.00pm Preparatory Cluster 7: RSPO 101 (Meeting Room 1)
Chairperson: M R Chandran, Advisor to RSPO & Honorary Member

Why RSPO? Why We Do What We Do

Darrel Webber, Secretary General RSPO

Beginning with Membership

Darrel Webber
, Secretary General RSPO

Published Information on Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives in Tropical Crops
Tony Lass, Alternate Member of RSPO Executive Board, Fox Consultancy

Other Standards

Wim Oosterhuis, Chairman, Product Board for Margarine, Fats and Oils (MVO)

Leading the Transformation; the Future of RSPO & Certified Sustainable Palm Oil 

Puvan J Selvanathan, Vice President RSPO & Chief Sustainability Officer, Sime Darby Group

Note: The Organizers reserve the right to amend the programme where necessary


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2024-07-27 10:57:26