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Jan Kees Vis
President, RSPO Board
Global Director Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever NV

Jan Kees Vis was trained as a chemist. He joined Unilever in 1985, at the Unilever Research Laboratory in Vlaardingen. He held several positions there, and then moved to the foods business. For more than 10 years he worked on Environmental Life Cycle Analysis, implementation of Environmental Management Systems, environmental auditing, organizing environmental training courses, environmental reporting and preparation of policy proposals on environmental issues. Since beginning of 2001, he is the responsible for coordinating Unilever's Sustainable Agriculture programme.
Adam Harrison
Vice President I, RSPO Board
Senior Policy Officer for Food and Agriculture, World Wildlife Fund Scotland

Adam Harrison is the Senior Policy Officer for Food and Agriculture for WWF based in Scotland. He has been working for WWF Scotland for the last 10 years on a range of rural, agriculture and food based policy areas.  For the last 5 years that has focussed on working with UK-based companies using both palm oil and soya lobbying them to source these commodities sustainably. Before working for WWF in the UK he was based overseas from the late 1980s working in natural resources management and development in Nepal, Cameroon and Namibia.
Derom Bangun
Vice President II, RSPO Board
Founder, PT. Kinar Lapiga, PT. Tara Bintang Nusa and PT. Bukit Mas Sawit Subur

Derom Bangun, a Chemical Engineer, joined PT Socfindo, a palm oil producer, where as Head of the Technical Department he designed and executed the erection of palm oil mills and refineries. He received an award from the Government of Indonesia for his contribution to the control of environmental pollution from rubber and palm oil mills. He is past Chairman (1999-2009) of Gapki. He founded and managed small plantation companies of PT. Kinar Lapiga, PT. Tara Bintang Nusa and PT. Bukit Mas Sawit Subur which are members of Gapki. He serves as Komisaris Independent at P.T. Tolan Tiga, a member of SIPEF group. He is representative of Gapki in RSPO.
Jeremy Goon
Vice-President III, RSPO Board
Group Head od CSR, Wilmar International

Jeremy Goon is the Group Head of CSR at Wilmar International, where he is responsible for aligning the Group's activities to global best practices in environmental, social and economic sustainability. He also heads the Group's division for Carbon Offset Credit Development, which include Clean Development Mechanism Projects as well as other Carbon Abatement and Mitigation Initiatives.
Prior to this appointment, Jeremy was Head of European Operations for Kuok Oils and Grains, based in Germany and the Netherlands. His responsibilities included overseeing the Group's Edible Oil Refining and Trading activities in Europe. He has also served as Head of Brand Management and Marketing for the Group's operations in Vietnam.
Hidde-Van Kersen
Executive Board Member, RSPO Board
Sustainability Director, IOI Loders Croklaan

Responsible for developing and executing CSR and sustainability policies, including RSPO certification of all IOI plantations. Before joining Loders Croklaan in March 2011, he was director of the Waddenvereniging (2005-2011), a Dutch based nature conservation NGO that focuses on protection of Europe’s largest tidal wetlands, the WaddenSea. Before that, he worked as a corporate communications consultant and issues specialist with MS&L (1998-2005) in The Netherlands and as sustainability officer with Shell UK (1996-1998) in Scotland.

Mr Van Kersen holds a master degree in Public Administration (Leiden, Netherlands), a MBA degree (Edinburgh, UK) and is an executive member at the board of RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, www.rspo.org )

Timothy J. Killeen
Executive Board Member, RSPO Board
Senior Research Scientist, Conservation International

Timothy J. Killeen (Ph.D.  Botany, Iowa State University) is a conservation biologist with a research agenda that has evolved over the course of his career, starting with plant taxonomy and ecology, but which evolved into efforts to use remote sensing technology to map biodiversity and document the impact of deforestation on biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions.  Dr. Killeen has engaged both the private and public sectors in environmental evaluations of infrastructure projects in the Amazon and South East Asia, experiences that stimulated his interest in understanding the underlying social and economic drivers of deforestation.  His dedication and accomplishments were recognized in 1999 when he received the Biodiversity Leadership Award from The Bay and Paul Foundations.  He is currently a Senior Research Scientist at Conservation International and resides in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Paul Norton
Executive Board Member, RSPO Board
Chief Risk Officer, HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

Paul Norton took over as Chief Risk Officer, HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad in January 2008. 
Prior to coming over to HSBC Bank Malaysia, he was working in the Asia Pacific Regional Credit Risk Unit based in Hong Kong, as a Senior Manager Credit where he was responsible mainly for Corporate and Institutional Banking clients in several countries in the Asia Pacific region.
He started his banking career in London where he was primarily involved in corporate and commercial banking.
He has worked for the HSBC group for over 29 years.  Paul has however spent the majority of the last 15 years in Asia, including two stints in Hong Kong and also over 4 years in HSBC Indonesia where as the Chief Risk Officer, he was responsible for credit risk management and corporate recovery.
Johan Verburg
Executive Board Member, RSPO Board
Coordinator Private Sector, Oxfam Novib

Johan Verburg is responsible for the corporate contacts that Oxfam Novib, the Dutch affiliate, has with multinationals on issues such as value chain responsibility. He has a background in consultancy on management and sustainability in Southern Africa and the Netherlands (KPMG, SGS a.o.).
Dr. Simon Lord
Executive Board Member (Alternate), RSPO Board
Group Director for Sustainability, New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL)

Dr Simon Lord is the Group Director for Sustainability for New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL) the largest oil palm producer in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. He has 25 years experience in the oil palm industry and has worked in S.E. Asia and the pacific. He started his career in research and as Head of Research for Dami Oil Palm Research Station led multi disciplined teams in Agronomy, Precision Agriculture, Biotechnology, Breeding and Environmental Science. He was one of the original 8 member Technical group that set the TOR for the RSPO multi-stakeholder model in 2002. He has since served the RSPO as an executive Board (EB) member and Vice President representing growers from the "Rest of the World" category. He has chaired the standards and certification subgroup of the EB and been an active member on the Criteria, Verification, Smallholder, GHG and Dispute Settlement Facility working groups. He has facilitated the National Interpretation of the RSPO standard in PNG and the Solomon Islands and served as technical advisor for these processes in Malaysia, Ghana and Thailand. He holds a degree in Crop protection and a Doctorate in Environmental Microbiology from Bath University. He is a Director of the NBPOL Foundation which seeks to improve the quality of life for communities in PNG.
Puvan J. Selvanathan
Executive Board Member (Alternate), RSPO Board
Chief Sustainability Officer, Sime Darby Group

Puvan  J Selvanathan is the Chief Sustainability Officer of the Sime Darby Group. An Architect by profession, Puvan led township and commercial developments across Asia for over 10 years in his own firm. He extended this experience into designing architectures for 'e-government' systems enabling electronic submission and urban management enterprise solutions in Malaysia. Puvan innovated public-private partnership delivery systems that led to his appointment to UN Expert Groups in Information Communications and Satellite Technologies; and he also wrote the E-Government Strategy for Mozambique while a UN and Word Bank expert focusing on Public Sector Reform in transition and emerging nations. Puvan founded the UN Global Compact Local Network in Malaysia and advised key Malaysian public and private sector organisations on business ethics and good governance. In addition to his architectural training Puvan holds an MBA. Sime Darby is a 100-year old Malaysian multinational with businesses in Plantations, Property, Energy & Utilities, Motors and Healthcare. The Group has over 120,000 employees working globally across 20 countries.
M R Chandran
norary Member & Advisor to the Executive Board, RSPO Board

A 50 year veteran of the agro-commodity industry with professional experience in the executive management of plantation business operations within the tree crop sector.  Having served for 35 years, he retired as Director of Franco-Belgian multi-national, SOCFIN Company Berhad in 1996.

He was the start-up Chief Executive of the Malaysia Palm Oil Association(MPOA) and served this umbrella entity tasked with the function of balancing the needs and interests of the various sectors for synergy and development of the Malaysian plantation industry, from 1999 to 2005.
During this period he was involved in the formation of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil(RSPO) in 2003 with the objective of promoting the growth and use of sustainable palm products through credible global standards & engagement of stakeholders. He Chaired the first RT meeting in 2003, served as a Vice-President during 2004/2005 term and is currently the Advisor to the Executive Board of RSPO.
Over the years he has held responsible positions in various industry forums and continues to serve the industry in an advisory and consultancy capacity to various business ventures and trade associations, at both regional and international level.
He has been honoured with the Fellowship awards of the Incorporated Society of Planters(FISP), Malaysian Oil Scientists'& Technologists’ Association(FMOSTA, British Institute of Management(FBIM), Malaysian Institute of Management(FMIM) and an Honorary Member of RSPO. 


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2024-07-27 11:22:48